These are the Major Aspects of Fine Art

Later, other forms of fine art such as painting and architecture developed and most recently, printmaking and photography. This form of art has given rise to a few terms like old masters that can only be defined in relation to it. 

Old master paintings and antique works have always formed the major part of the Fine art in Germany festival that is held each year.

Defining Old Master

Some artists like Eugene Delacroix are not termed as old masters and yet they were in existence in the 17th century. Others who came much later are classified as old masters. It is not clear as to what criterion is used to classify old masters but most of the famous painters like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci certainly are Old Masters who had also painted horse portrait. However, their standing does not surpass that of old painters like Donatello and El Greco.

Evoking emotion

The major aim of any form of fine art is to evoke some kind of emotion in the viewer. This can be pain, joy, ecstasy or sorrow. Paintings therefore embody the largest form of art as they are able to bring out emotions in the people viewing them better than other genres. The experience of viewing it may be different from one person to the next; hence it has a subjective nature. This however does not mean that it cannot have a specified message it wants to convey. Fine art is where the future starts for a talented designer.


There is a certain aspect of realism that makes paintings and other works become more in form of eliciting reactions. People relate to what they can imagine and what can actually happen. This is why most fine art exhibitions cannot exclude their work. Some designers are even talented in designing Jeans for refugees in UK.

Classifying art

Classification of art as fine or applied is controversial and a part of work can be both. Art has been used in its entirety to perform many functions, ranging from aesthetic value to bringing about political revolutions. Revolutions occurred due to art forms as avant-garde art.
